Sunday, December 11, 2011

chris, kelly & owen - fun in the sun, and 40 degrees

so today, I met up with kelly and chris, and the most adorable- owen, of course not ever a moment without his sidekicks- mater & lightening- and had the most fantastic time at the glen mills historic train station. it was 40 degrees, and sunny, and after about 20 minutes owen decided he didnt want any more pictures taken, but we stole some anyway, and i have never laughed so hard in my life while holding a camera. these pictures are a pic-me-up and i can't help but smile looking at them, the schmidt family is. so. much. fun.

the full album can be seen at:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

kurt, donna, lexi, coleton & nevaeh family photos - brandywine state park

alright! the full album is uploaded to picasa and available for viewing... i have to warn you though, i squeezed a lot of photos out of this shoot. love the setting sun and winter colors at the brandywine park...but nothing beats glittery shoes